What Is karmic Healing? How karmic Healing Helps In Our Life?

What Is Karmic Healing? How karmic Process Helps In our Life?

Before I start scribbling the measures of karmic healing I would like to explain what it is actually because most people have no idea about it.

What is karmic healing ?

It is a therapy based on karma effects.
since, it is a practice that sometimes cures in a month and other times takes years one must have measures to heal self and see individually how long they take to work.
 Here we are giving you five bullet points that would certainly be helpful in improving your mental health.
Learn to heal yourself
Be a dreamer
Set Goals and make wishes
Clean your heart
Be kind

1. Learn to heal yourself.

I am through the toughest of times, I feel like doing nothing just sleeping in dark room, not desiring to talk to anybody etc. What should I do ?
"A psychologist or mental health portal." Is usually suggested as solution.
Most of my friends sought psychologists and doctors after suffering heartbreaks and difficulties in their lives and I disagreed to the point since beginning.
Nobody ever comes to heal you so understand the fact that you are the doctor to self. Let go of everything that pains you. Just do what makes you feel content. Cook, eat, write, dance and gossip with friends to heal you. But stop looking for people who will come to take to out of this mess because nobody such exists.

2. Be a dreamer.

What should I do to feel good , to divert my mind from stressing things?
This is so important. Don't let your past lord over you, let it go and dream for future. Imagine of the wonderful situations you can be in and try to turn them in reality. The way it works nothing else does. Nothing can actually compete this strategy, since you are free to imagine an impossible situation for your own peace and its absolutely unharming.
So dream big and be a good dreamer who keeps the potential to convert these dreams into reality.

3. Set goals and make wishes.

There lies a solitation and sadness that never leaves my side. I practice my hobby but still there lies some vacancy and its getting tougher now ?
The third and most essential thing is to have a goal in life. It keeps you engaged and charged. Your goal can be anything from completing studies to learn new art or writing a novel etc but what you have to do it is to never get tired of the same. Just stuck to it and reach your goal.
when in fact, you are engaged with your desires nothing can stress or bother you. You learn shoving off the roadblocks.

4. Clean your heart.

I do things and I am moving at good pace in life carrying my goals but my past still haunts me badly. I am not able to get over of it, it's like I am still living in an abandoned house. What is to be done now ?
These all are the stages once you opt for the measures, all these stages confront you in chronological order.
Karmic healing is associated with the cleansing of your mind, body and soul. Your heart is the place that gets hurt, feels pain and reacts abnormally in odd conditions so you must clean it then rest of the things will follow the course.
leave your past behind. Follow a popular line" Forgive and Forget". Just forgive people for their misbehave and rudeness and forget everything that frustrates you. Life will definitely become better.

5. Be kind

The last lesson is to love and heal being happy.
In the end this is the sap of all measures be kind and humble, loving all races and respecting the nature so that in turn they will also play their part.


So, karmic healing is an impressive practice that you can opt for easily. Its methods are no rocket science but very simple tecniques of cleansing your mind, body n soul and digging that strong confidence in you. It feels excellent once you join the group of those who fear karma and spread kindness simultaneously healing yourself. Ultimately, goodness is the foundation of earth. Respect the karma theory and believe in "As you so shall you reap."

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