How to get rid of bad health?

How to get rid of bad health?

Five major hacks for Good health By Best_Dietician_In_Gurgaon.

Do you know?

People in India usually don't care about health because they are driven by the structure of consumerism which provokes people to buy more than their actual needs.

A bunch of my friends takes two time snacks during their tea breaks and to not surprise its none other than the cream stuffed cookies or salty wafers. For lunch people usually preferred home made vegetables with spicy gravies from outlets. This is not a good practice and I ask them, "Don't you love yourself ?"

Yes ! people who don't love themselves are indulged in such unhealthy practices beacause they are unaware about their health. I even sometimes ask myself what use of a luxury lifestyle or six digit salary if one is unwell or unhealthy.

Although the concept of fitness gyms n yoga has been introduced successfully to urban and sub-urban Indian culture  but it still is in nascent stage.

What the real problem is ?

The real problem is the unhealthy us and spoiled environment created by us. We are not aware about the stuff we gulp all the day this is why we have to seek gym to maintain us. If we start paying attention to this only we can improve a lot of things generating additional energy in our bodies.

Here are few things to include in your diet to survive perfectly in tiresome office culture.

1. Include sprouts
Yes, this is a must to be done before before going to office. Don't forget to soak some soyabean, grams and pulses in water before you go to bed. 

These fist full snacks are sufficient to keep you energised for the entire day.

2. Healthy snack-breaks

Never take cookies or wafers during the tea breaks regardless of how tempting they seem to you rather take dry fruits as snacks. Cashews, almonds, ground nuts and walnut are most popular light breakfast items.

3. Fruit break

In between of your routine work ensure to take at least one fruit break. Never buy a plate of fruit chaat from vendors but carry well slashed fruits in your tiffin box because the hygiene level you can maintain yourself nobody can. Fruits will definitely keep you charged for the entire day.

4. Never skip milk items

 Your breakfast must have a glass of full cream milk beacuse it includes calcium and protein that are extremely essential for your body. Even if you have some issues with milk then you can easily include curd, cheese and butter in your meals to overcome the deficiency.

5. Don't's   

This is a small list of items that one should never opt in an office lifestyle.

(i) Stop taking bites from unhealthy dishes. Learn to say a polite no.

(ii) Do not sit sticking to your seat all the day. Walk, move and smile at peers.

(iii) Drink at least two litres of water in between your eight hour schedule.

(iv) Offer small helps to others that includes physical excercising.

(v) Walk as much as you can.

These small tips will certainly keep you healthy and smiling refraining you from gyms.

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