Winter Diet

Winter Diet

As winter starts, people start covering themselves using sweaters, muffler, and other woollen clothes. They start protecting their body from outside, but they forget to take care of their diet. The food you eat, it builds your immunity system and keeps you away from the common diseases like a cough, cold and other bacterial & viral infections. There are a few food items including which in your daily diet, you can boost the immunity system that keeps you healthy.

1.  Dry Fruits: Everyone should start a day with a fist full of dry fruits such as cashew, almonds, and walnuts. Cashew is rich in vitamin E and helps to nourish the body. It prevents heels to be cracked. It is said that almonds dipped in honey are the most beneficial in winters. It helps improve the cholesterol level. Walnuts are a good source of iron, selenium, fatty acid omega-3 that helps in health-related disease.

2. Seasonal Fruits: There are some fruits that you should not skip from your diet. These are seasonal fruits like pomegranate, sapodilla, and citrus fruits like orange. You should include these fruits in your diet to keep yourself healthy and your body light. Pomegranate is rich in anti-oxidants that help protect cells from damage, reduces inflammation and eradicate free radicals. Sapodilla also has so many benefits like it boosts the immunity system, prevents from bacterial infection and regulates blood pressure. On the other hand, citrus fruits like orange bundled with vitamin c and flavonoids, is very good for immunity; it also helps in preventing viral infection, it lower downs the blood pressure and cholesterol level, apart from these, it has a number of benefits.

3. Sweet Potatoes: Sweet potatoes are tasty and considered very good for health in this season. You can eat sweet potatoes as snacks between the meals. Usually, sweet potatoes are eaten during the daytime. Sweet potatoes are laden with beta-carotene, fiber, and vitamin A & C.

4. Other Root Veggies: Eating other root vegetables like beetroot, turnip, carrot, and radish are considered very well for health especially in winters. Beetroot is a good source of dietary fiber and it is low in fat. It also lowers down the blood pressure and has other ample benefits. Carrot is considered as good for healthy eyes, and skin.

5. Leafy Vegetables: You should include leafy vegetables in your everyday diet. Eat spinach, broccoli, kale, and other leafy vegetables in a salad or cooked vegetables. Spinach is a rich source of iron, vitamin A & C and anti-oxidant. Broccoli is a great source of folic acid, fiber, potassium, and vitamin C & K. It helps in healing wounds and is good for building body tissues & bones. Kale is rich in vitamin A, C & K; it also contains beta-carotene and lutein. It is preferred to be eaten raw as it loses nutrients after cooking.

6.       Use Garlic as one of the ingredients in food: Garlic not only makes the food tasty but also makes it healthier. It has many antibacterial and anti-viral properties that keep the body always on alert to fight with common seasonal diseases.  

This winter, don’t forget to make changes in your diet plan according to the above points, to live the season free from diseases. Eat healthily and exercise daily to reap the benefits of these dietary elements. 

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